to enter and to proceed along the
path. PIence an excuse of circum-
stances is lame. Firstly what is need-
ed is not the external condition, is
not the external environment, but
the depth of inner attitude, the
intensity of inner desire for the
wisdom. It is this that is firstly
wanted, pure and passionately intense
desire for the great wisdom. I say
pure desire because the desire for
wisdom is for only wisdom^s sake
and that verily has no spirit of busi-
ness transactions and knows no bar-
gain. Such a pure desire for wisdom
has to possess the heart and the mind
and has to, in the form of Will, be
prepared to step in and walk on at
all costs. This state is the first prep-
aration for being initiated into the

This longing, this thirst for
wisdom presents a series of the what
and the how, the when, the where
and the why of a thing or of an